Having fun at our SWG X RC Club...
No limits when you want it.
Joe Nall 2017
David Gibson
On June 26, 2017, we started sodding the new parking/pit area. Soon pilots will have the entire 4,500' x 100' runway to fly on.
Don and Rick at the airstrip April 11, 2017
Brand new Pilot Extra 330 30% 88" with a DLE 61
Tom Robbins
Keith Aldredge
Steve Poehler aka Iceman
Tim Horchler
Keith's Giant Big Stik Flaps Down
Jonathan Lohmueller
Nice to have a club airplane mechanic!
Ike Maxwell flying
while Lohmueller watches
Club Members Joy Ride
Our new R/C field from above:
Suber Field
David Gibson
Sonny Branch
Keith Aldredge
R/C Combat - that's the other guys blue ribbon.
Jonahan Cannon
This is what happens when you pull 50 G's on a combat plane trying to cut the opponent's ribbon.
That's Aldredge's orange ribbon wrapped around Cannon's detached wing.
He got the cut at all cost! This is why we keep the cost low on these planes.
Robert Hamilton
Combat Plane - they take a beating.
Robert's pride. Flyzone Acro-Wot MK2.
42" wingspan. 3s 2200mah battery.820kv motor. 40a speed controller. Orange Rx T-six 2.4GHz DSM2 transmitter and receiver. Flys almost 3D style.
David Gibson